Wednesday, July 15, 2015

cautious, guarded, nervous, anxious, and excited

So I'm going to start this update right off by saying, WE'RE MATCHED!! It was quite a process to reach this stage but we are here and we got here much quicker than anticipated! It's amazing how the Lord works!! After all of the paperwork and time spent, an expectant mother viewed our profile and book and wanted to meet us. We met with her a couple of different times so she could get to know us a little. She is very sweet and artistic. We also met the biological dad and he is kind and hard working. We are eager to move forward in this process with these two and it seems like it will be easy to see a relationship and open adoption in the future with them.

As exciting as all of this sounds, I'm having a really hard time actually feeling really excited. Everyone around has been shouting, screaming, crying, hugging, and just ecstatic for us. It is such a joy to have people around us who care so much for us and for the future of our family. I love the support we always have in our family and our friends. Grant and I, on the other hand, have to remain cautious and guarded. As much as we love this expectant mom that we are matched with, we still have to understand that at any point she may chose to parent instead of proceed with the adoption plan. We aren't sure of all the details yet and will be finding them out as we move on with everything. Our social worker said she will be meeting with us in a few weeks to discuss the plan of action for the date of birth. We are carefully planning and trying to determine how much to prepare for as the baby is due mid September.

One thing we really need to do is step up with our fundraising efforts. We still have our "gofundme" site all set up and would love help there. Our goal was to raise at least $10,000 to help with covering funds. With all the different fundraisers so far, we have been able to raise $5,366.71! We are so excited that we are over halfway to our goal! Of course, the adoption is costing us more than the $10,000 so going over our goal would definitely be a bonus. Please spread the word and share our link! Every little bit helps! Click this link to help out.

We also need prayer. We would love prayer for the biological mom and dad. I can't even imagine the decision they are making and how difficult it must be. They are two very sweet people who love this child and want what is best for him. We are so thankful and feel so blessed that they have chosen us to care for this baby. Please pray for peace within them and for God's plan to be shown to them. Please also pray for a healthy baby, for our finances, and for our sanity as we anxiously prepare.

Thank you to everyone who purchased shirts, took home baby bottles, donated items to the garage sale, donated money, and helped with all of the fundraising. We have appreciated this community that has gathered around us to help bring baby Gimby home. We don't know where we'd be without everyone!

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4

Monday, May 18, 2015

Words that Hurt

I was talking with a friend the other day about my recent post and we got to talking about certain phrases that can be hurtful when talking to adoptive families. Most people don't even realize the power that their words carry. I have unknowingly used some of these common phrases as well and now that I am in the process, I see how hurtful they can be. I have decided to write a post to do a little educating. I think it's important for those going through the process to give a little grace to those who don't know that what they say hurts but to also educate others so they know a better way to say it. So here goes. Here is a little list of some phrases that hurt and better ways to state them.

"The child was 'given up'  for adoption"
A better way to state this would be "the child's birth parents chose adoption". Choosing adoption is a selfless and brave act. It's not "giving up" but it's choosing a different path for the child

"It will be just like having one of your own"
Um...this child will be my own. I would shy away from this sentence all together.

"After you adopt you'll probably get pregnant."
I don't think I have a better sentence for this, just don't say it. Only God knows the plans for us whether that is to get pregnant days after the adoption, years after, or even never. It will be what it will be.

"Are you unable to have children of your own?"
First, I am having my own child, just in a different way. Second, instead ask "How did you decide to adopt?"

"That's great you're adopting, it's so much easier than having the child yourself."
This process is far from easy. Just continue to follow this blog and you will see.

"You're adopting? But don't you want any children of your own?"
This one stung. I am having a child of my own but just not in the "conventional" way. Adopting is a choice Grant and I have made. It is not a last resort. We feel that our difficulty getting pregnant was God's push for us to adopt. We always felt we would and this was our sign to do it now. It's not that we don't want biological children, we just feel that God's plan for us right now is adoption.

These are some phrases that I've already heard that have been difficult for me. After research I have a few more that I could see later as being potentially painful and what others have already said, "please don't say this to me."

"Who are his/her 'real' parents?"
The adoptive parent is his/her real parent. The better way to say this is "who are his/her biological or birth parents?"

"What kind of a person would give up a child?" or "Why was he/she given up for adoption?
Birth parents who choose adoption are not all bad and immoral people. This is a heartbreaking decision that they will be living with the rest of their lives. They are choosing a path for their child that they believe will be better for them and giving their child a life they don't feel they are able to give. Don't ask the story because it is not our story to tell but theirs. Don't ask if they were a drug addict or living on the streets. These people made a selfless act that was in no way easy.

Remember that the words you use really have an affect on others. Asking questions is okay but just remember that it's the way you ask that matters the most. I would love to answer questions anyone has about our adoption and after we have our baby I can answer even more but don't be surprised if you say something hurtful (unknowingly or otherwise) I will speak up about it.

If you are reading this as a parent who has adopted please comment with any other words/phrases that people have used that have hurt. We want to educate others and give people the tools to change their words.

Someone shared this video with me. Spot on.
"If you wouldn't say it about a boob job..."

"Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."
Proverbs 16:24

Monday, May 11, 2015

Day Twenty

I want to start this post off with a little bit of a warning. I am not really an open person with many. This post is probably the most open many of you have heard from me. I'm not sure why I feel the need or desire to share with everyone what it is I am going through but I think it will help others understand a little bit of what it is like to be in this position. Maybe with Mother's day being yesterday and it being so hard to go on Facebook or Instagram and seeing all the happy posts from all of the mommies I just couldn't help but feel the pull on my heart. I'm sorry if this post lets you a little deeper into my life than you anticipated but I feel that it's important for people to understand that adoption is not easy and that there was heartache that came before our decision and a struggle that follows. It all can be a painful and unknown journey but I'm thankful I have God with me every step. I'm not sure what I'd do without my faith. I'm also thankful for the people that have been placed in my life that are supporting Grant and me through this whole process.

I can't stop thinking about all of the unknown that adoption brings. We aren't told when our profile book is being shown or how many expectant mothers our agency is working with. We are kept in the dark until we get that call, telling us we are matched. I keep joining adoption groups online hoping to find some solace in knowing that there are others out there facing the same fears, anxiety and unknown that I am facing. Unfortunately all I can find are people that have their beautiful babies in their arms telling me, "it's all worth it" and "don't worry, it will be your time". I wish that was what I needed right now. I have only been officially waiting 20 days now but it feels like so much longer. How am I to survive waiting for what could potentially be two years or maybe even longer? I keep telling myself, well it's good that we aren't matched yet, the money isn't there or we haven't matched yet because maybe we aren't fully ready. I keep making excuses as to why I have to wait. It hasn't just been one month, it's been years now of waiting for our baby to arrive. I know others have waited longer and maybe I'm just impatient but I can't shake this anxiousness. 

So with all these feelings fluttering through my brain I look over at my coffee table and see a book, "Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches." It's a book that was given to Grant during the Choose Joy Conference. I decided to pick it up. If you know me at all, picking up a book is never my 'go to.' I love the idea of reading and I really want to be a reader but I just am not. I try, but it never seems to work out. So, needless to say, seeing a book and grabbing it to read was some sort of a rarity for me. So anyway, I grab the book and open it to a random page just hoping I read something inspirational I guess. Well I opened to page 88 which was a good read about Hannah and her desire for children but it just wasn't what I was hoping to read. I decided to continue, which for me, is a miracle in and of itself. So as I  read I got to page 93. This, this is what I was looking for. It said,

     "If you're grappling with a so-far unanswered plea for children, let me stop and warn you about something. Remember that your life is being lived out in a world that's more than what you can see. You bear the image of God, you resemble Jesus, and you are a target for demonic principalities and powers who seek to turn your affections away from your Lord. Every one of us has weak points sized up by these rebel forces, and your struggle with infertility is no exception."

Okay God, I get it. I know I'm letting this desire become too much of me. So I keep reading and the book continues with,

     "It's easy to become bitter, envious, and covetous when you want children and fear you can't have them. Moses tells us this is precisely what heppened to our foremother Rachel when she wanted children desperately while her sister had them easily (Gen. 30:1). You can find yourself snapping at the supermarket clerk who asks if you have children, as though she asked what you look like naked. It's easy to refuse to attend your best friend's baby shower because you wish you were having one yourself. You likewise can easily shut down your emotional life as much as possible, numbing yourself to keep from getting hurt further.
     If you find yourself mistrusting God's goodness to you or caving introspectively in on yourself or unable to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep, recognize what's happening--and that it isn't good."

I felt like God gave me a swift kick to the face. I know this portion of the book talks more about infertility than the act of adopting but these are the same feelings I had while we were trying to get pregnant and the same feelings I have through the adoption. I have done all those things mentioned! I missed a great friend's baby shower because I was jealous and knew I couldn't get through it without crying. I emotionally left the room when a friend jokingly said, "don't let her hold the baby, she'll be the next to have one then" and I have become withdrawn to so much because of the hurt and longing inside. What's terrible too is that I know it's wrong to act this way because I know I will have my time.

I am becoming bitter and envious to those who are having babies around me and right now, I feel like everywhere I look people are having babies or are getting pregnant. I just need to step back and constantly remind myself that it's not my time yet but it will be. I may not get to dictate it or plan it but it will be. I need to rest on the fact that God has a child for me, I just don't get him or her yet. I have to wait. God must think that I am more patient then I think I am....

So there is one thing that I ask of you. Please please don't ask me often, "have you heard anything yet?" I know that you just want to know how everything is going  and that you are legitimately excited for us but my honest answer will always be, "nothing yet, still the same." I don't mean to sound unappreciative of your concern but the waiting is going to be difficult and hearing the question from so many I think will make it harder. I promise that I will let you know when something changes. There are some things you can do for us though. Instead of asking if we've heard anything, ask us if there is something you can do to help. We have constant fundraisers going on that we would love help with, whether it's donating or just getting the word out. We also love prayer. You can pray for Grant, pray for me, for our future baby, and for our future birth mother. The support you offer means the world to us and we need everything we can get. Thank you so much for understanding.

"O my Strength, I will watch for you, for you, O God, are my fortress."
Psalm 59:9

Monday, May 4, 2015

Learning to ask for help

Finances have always been the scariest part for me with this adoption. We knew that getting in all of this was going to put some financial strains on us but we stepped out in faith, knowing that God would provide. My fears and concerns about not having the financial backing ready when we are matched and have a baby in our arms is still there and I pray about it constantly. I ask God for ideas to raise money and pray that the funds would show. I know that God is providing but I still can't help feeling a little stressed.

Something that is difficult for me is asking for help from others. I feel like I become a burden on others. I'm the type of person that completes tasks independently.. I am quickly learning that this is not what God wants for us. He gives us a community of friends to help us out especially during these kinds of  times. We are there to support and to love one another. When Grant and I decided to adopt while knowing the cost, I felt humbled. I feel that in order for us to adopt our child and not be put into a ton of debt I would have to fund raise and I would have to ask others for help. So here I am, asking for help.

I have multiple fundraising efforts going on all at the same time so I feel that there is a little something for everyone.

booster shirts
I have created four unique shirt designs to sell to help raise money. I hope you like them! Click HERE to visit the site and share it with everyone you know. Three are sold as unisex shirts and the "adoption is the new pregnant" shirt is a female style. This fundraiser is only going until May 30th so order your shirts soon! The shirts will ship once the fundraiser is over. If you are local you can click the button to have them shipped directly to me which means free shipping for you! I will give them out as I see you. If you are not local please don't click that button, as it will be harder for me to get your shirt to you. Thank you for ordering!

go fund me
Our Go Fund Me site is up and active! If you are looking for an easy way to donate, this is it! Click HERE to visit the site and again, please share via facebook, tumblr, instagram, twitter or any other social networking site you know of! Thank you!!

baby bottles
Our baby bottles are still out! If you have one please return it to me whenever you can, no rush. If you know of anyone who would like one, please let me know and I'll get one to you! Thank you so much for helping us out!

garage sale
We are having another garage sale and we have started collecting again! If you have anything you'd like to donate please let me or Grant know and we will get it from you! Thank you!

improv/comedy night/sketch type show
Two of my funniest friends are planning an improv/comedy/sketch type show! Details will be coming up but save the date! So far we have it planned for Saturday, August 1st. This date is subject to change but hopefully won't. I will post more details as I find them out!

Thank you everyone for your help!! I'd be lost without you! So far our fundraising has gone pretty well and I wanted to share with everyone that so far, thanks to all of you, our fundraising has raised $2850. Our goal is to raise $10,000 which means we are over a quarter way there, yay!! We are so grateful for all the help we have received and are continuing to receive. We would not be able to adopt without you all! It is definitely the truth when they say "it takes a village"... and we don't even have our baby here yet!

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
James 1:2-3 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Choose Joy in Every Instant

This last weekend Grant and I had the opportunity to go to the Choose Joy conference in Laguna Hills. It was AMAZING. To walk into a place of such support and love from people with stories similar to ours was just what I needed. There were men and women there that had been through the adoption process, were in the midst of the process, or were just considering it. It was great to be surrounded by so many who knew what we were feeling and could offer up advice or just a great listening ear. I talked with many, heard tons of stories, and was able to share about our adventure. I'm already looking forward for the conference next year!

So as far as where we are in the process, we had our final meeting and we are officially 'active' which means our profile can now be shown to expectant mothers. I am excited, anxious, and a little disheartened. I was disheartened to hear that we aren't told that we are basically in the dark during this next step. We just have to wait. We aren't told when our profile is shown or even how many times they've shown it. I guess it is to protect our hearts and to not get our hopes up, but for me, being in the dark feels so much worse. I know I just have to wait and rely on God's strength through this next step. In one session at the conference , titled "Waiting Well", one thing stuck out to me. The speaker said, "Waiting is the process God uses to mold us into the person we are meant to be." She said that waiting is never easy because we don't know how long that waiting will take and we don't know what person we are meant to be or what needs to change but hearing this sentence gave me a little peace. I don't want to rush and not be who God wants me to be. I have to wait. God has plans for me and plans for Grant and plans for our future child. Why would I try to disrupt those plans? I know it won't be easy and I know I'll need the support of my friends and family.

So while we wait we choose joy.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us"
Romans 8:18

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Finishing up with our HomeStudy

As part of the homestudy process we were to put together a profile book all about us and to include a letter on the very first few pages to the expectant mother. The letter, by far, was the  most difficult thing Grant and I have had to write as part of this process. It was interesting sitting down with my husband trying to write this letter to a person we don't know and are hoping that they will choose us as part of their adoption plan. Finding the right words while trying to have our personalities show was tricky. We worked together taking turns writing different pieces and somehow melding them together. I think it came out pretty well. 

The book was to include pictures of us, our families, our friends, hobbies, and our house. It is used to give to expectant mothers so they can get an idea of who we are -- it's basically used to advertise us. It was interesting trying to figure out what pictures to chose, what to write, and just the layout of everything. I worked several hours trying to make it the best I could and include everything I felt that would describe us.

So we got our book and letter approved and ordered and they have arrived! I'm really excited about how they turned out! Shutterfly did a great job and, thanks to those who sent me coupons and special offers, I was able to purchase them for less than half the cost! Such a deal!

Now that we have the books, Grant and I are all finished with our portion of the homestudy. We actually have been done with all the paperwork, meetings with the social worker, classes, books and such for a while now. The last thing we have left to do before our homestudy is finished is to have one final meeting with the woman who counsels the expectant mothers. We have been waiting for a couple of weeks now for her to schedule a time with us and I must admit, I'm a little frustrated. I want so bad to get to that next phase and just be waiting for that precious baby. I know that when I'm in that phase I'll probably be saying something different but right now all I can think of is getting to the next step. Trying so hard to remind myself it's out of my hands and only in God's hands.

Just a few more things....
Our baby bottle fundraiser is still going! Thank you so much to those who have taken bottles and brought them back! So far we have raised close to $1000 in change! I still have a few more bottles left to hand out so if you want one or know of a neighbor or friend you could give one to that would be wonderful. Keep searching under those couch cushions, digging out from the bottom of purses or collecting from those cup holders in your car--- your spare change is making a difference

We have also set up a gofundme account. We have a goal of $10,000 to raise to help us bring our future child home. Go to our GO FUND ME site to donate. Tell a friend, tell family, share it on facebook, instagram, twitter, or whatever social networking site you want! We appreciate any help we can get!

Thank you to all who are praying for us and supporting us through this process. We have a long way to go and we appreciate all the help we have received and will continue to receive.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer"
Romans 12:12

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Adventure Continues

So I thought I'd post a little update on what is happening with our process. First, we have finished the first phase of the homestudy, yay! All the paperwork and the classes and the books are all complete at last! Now we have moved on to the second phase. This is where we meet with our social worker, she comes in for a home visit and we are to make a profile book of our family, friends, hobbies, pets, etc. This book will be given to the expectant parents to look through and, hopefully, choose us.

So Grant and I are trying really hard to be diligent and prepare ourselves for the home visit but time seemed to have gotten away from us and our home visit is only two days away. Now you'd think we would be basically ready for this but we have nothing baby proofed, chemicals everywhere (this is what I get for marrying a scientist), and to top it all off, we have no railing on our stairs! The lady that lived in this house before us removed railing from one side of our stairs. Luckily, I have an amazingly handy husband. In just two evenings he took out our old railing and built beautiful wooden railing on both sides of our stairs! I forgot to take a "before" picture so all I have is a picture of our stairs with no railing at all, but you get the idea.

The finished product! Isn't it so nice?! He did such a great job. Now all I have to do is paint it. Luckily, looks is not what the social worker is looking for, only functionality.

Okay, so next on our list is cleaning up the house and making it look more presentable. Our social worker is really nice and pretty relaxed. She said we didn't need to baby proof everything (like plugging up outlets and locking cabinets) but we only need to provide the evidence that we are prepared to do so when our baby arrives. I think I can handle that. We did have to purchase a car seat. I have a baby car seat sitting in the nursery. That feels so weird to unreal.

Anyway, after we meet with her for our home visit, our social worker will write up the official "homestudy." She said it will take her about a week. SO, this means we need to make our profile book and be ready and done by the end of the month. HOPEFULLY this means the homestudy will be completed by then! After that the waiting will begin. It seems to have taken so long and now that we are in the home stretch I feel like it is all happening so quickly. I am excited, nervous, happy,  and anxious all at the same time.

With all that being said there are a few things I really need your help with. Please continue to pray for us. This adventure is only just beginning. We would love your prayers for our future birthmother. I have no idea what situation she is in but I know her choice is not an easy one. Pray for our future baby that God already has picked out for us. And lastly pray for us. While meeting with the social worker we are required to fill out a "child desired form." Please pray for clarity when making decisions on whether we would take a child who has been exposed to various drugs/alcohol in utero. We are also still working on fundraising ideas and getting all of our finances figured out. Our baby bottle fundraiser is still going so if you need a bottle or know someone you can give one to that would be great. Thank you to everyone who continues to provide us with the support we so need! We are so so appreciative!

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Colossians 3:15-17

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Garage Sale - Everything Must Go!

So today was the big garage sale fundraiser! We had so many people donate furniture, toys, clothes, kitchenware, sports things, books, electronics and more! Our house was piled full and so was our garage. We looked like we belonged on the 'Hoarders' television show! We were able to sell all of the big items and so so many of the other items. It was hot, I got sunburned, but the Lord was working. Many people even gave a few extra dollars when they found out it was for our future baby. Here are some pictures from this long and exhausting day...

I have a few thanks to give:

First a big thanks to the Greco family for allowing us to borrow their driveway, garage, truck, and time. They were SO much help and this whole sale would not have been possible without them! (and thank you Erin for teaching me the art of haggling and laughing with me as we attempt working with little to no sleep)

Thank you also to the Olcese family who came around 6am to help us unload, set up, fold clothes, move furniture, and organize the chaos.

Thank you to Lindsay who brought donuts and, most important, coffee! Thank you also for helping me reorganize after big crowds came around and tore the place up.

Thank you to Carol for helping with the madness, rearranging the items to "show off" the high price items.

And of course, THANK YOU to everyone who donated! We had tons and tons and tons of stuff! This garage sale was able to raise almost $800 towards our adoption! How amazing is that?! I love the work the Lord is doing!

I am grateful for all the people in my life and cannot demonstrate my thanks enough. I love that I saw friends and family come out to support our sale and walk off with a few treasures. My heart is so full and I can't wait to tell my child how I had all these people rallying behind me and Grant and helping us bring him/her home. Such an amazing adventure this is turning out to be.

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

Friday, February 13, 2015


The unfortunate side of adopting is the cost of everything. It varies from case to case but could end up costing us anywhere from $17,000-$30,000. I wish we had this kind of money just lying around but we don't. That's okay though because Grant and I have complete trust that God will take care of it! He has already given us so many blessings and I know they will continue.

With that, there are a couple of things that we will be doing in order to help raise the funds we need for the adoption., we have officially started collecting items for our garage sale! We are going to have the garage sale March 14th in Lake Forest and we're hoping to make it HUGE. As of now, we have a few items but we are in need of more! We are collecting things from all over. If you have anything, and I mean anything (toys, clothing, furniture, games, etc.) that you want to get rid of, send it our way! We will gladly accept and help haul off any junk you have! We're planning on doing another garage sale later around summertime so you can't give too much stuff!

Second, We will be doing a baby bottle fundraiser. This is where I send you home with a baby bottle and you fill it up with any loose change you have. You can then return the bottle to us or we'll come get it from you! You can take as many bottles as you want and share them with friends! We'll continue this as long as people are willing and able to help! Let me know if you want a bottle, we appreciate all the help we can get!

Thank you for all of your support!

"One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered"
Proverbs 11:24-25

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Birthday Surprise

So today was a pretty amazing day. It was my birthday and at work the parent's in my class put together a very special gift for me. They put a beautiful bouquet of orange Gerber daisies (my favorite) along with flowers made out of money! The money was donated toward our adoption and attached to each money flower was a little green paper petal. On each petal was a Bible verse.

Each verse reads as such:

Proverbs 31:8-9: "Speak up for those cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Hosea 14:3d: "For in you, the fatherless find compassion"

Isaiah 1:17: "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."

Matthew 18:5: "And whoever welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me."

Psalm 68:5-6a: "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."

Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"

I am truly blessed by these families. After receiving the flowers and feeling the blessing of that, one mom handed me a handmade necklace (in the picture above). It says "In His Time" with two little foot prints in the center. I definitely had some tears in my eyes when I saw it. It is so sweet. She told me that she was all ready to stamp the word "waiting" but "in His time" kept coming to her mind. This is something the continues to be my reminder through this process and really through my life. Nothing is in my time but always through His. What better thing then to wear it around my neck as a constant reminder. I have to let go and trust that God has this whole plan under control and that it is IN HIS TIME.

Thank you to all the parents in my class! This has been one of the most special birthdays I've had!

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!"
Psalm 27:14

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Paperwork Continues...

I haven't written in a few weeks so I thought I'd give a brief update on the process. Not a lot has changed. Grant and I are still working to complete the mounds of paperwork that is given. We are looking for a child First Aid/CPR class for Grant so if anyone has any suggestions on a good, inexpensive place to go that would be great. We have to get fingerprinted and fill out a few forms. We have three books we need to read and short reports to write on each of them. The books are interesting with a lot of good parenting techniques, so that's not too bad. After all of that is completed all we will have left are the two required classes. One is offered this next week and the other is next month. I feel like we are reaching the home stretch of our HomeStudy process, yay! After that we wait.

At the end of the HomeStudy there is another chunk of money that will be due. Grant and I are looking to fund raise to help with the continued costs of this adoption. If anyone has any suggestions on good ways to raise funds we'd love to hear them! We are thinking of putting together a garage sale and just collecting everyone's unwanted items. I'm thinking a March or April garage sale would be good. Again, any suggestions would be awesome!

Grant and I are grateful for all of the prayer support we are getting! Please continue to pray for us during this process. We want to remain diligent throughout all the 'boring' stuff like paperwork and we ask for prayer that finances will work themselves out. We also ask for prayer for our future child whoever he/she may be. The last thing we ask for prayer for is for our future child's birthmother. I can't even imagine what she is going through/will go through in making this decision.

Thank you to everyone who continues to offer us support! We are very appreciative!

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18