Monday, April 27, 2015

Choose Joy in Every Instant

This last weekend Grant and I had the opportunity to go to the Choose Joy conference in Laguna Hills. It was AMAZING. To walk into a place of such support and love from people with stories similar to ours was just what I needed. There were men and women there that had been through the adoption process, were in the midst of the process, or were just considering it. It was great to be surrounded by so many who knew what we were feeling and could offer up advice or just a great listening ear. I talked with many, heard tons of stories, and was able to share about our adventure. I'm already looking forward for the conference next year!

So as far as where we are in the process, we had our final meeting and we are officially 'active' which means our profile can now be shown to expectant mothers. I am excited, anxious, and a little disheartened. I was disheartened to hear that we aren't told that we are basically in the dark during this next step. We just have to wait. We aren't told when our profile is shown or even how many times they've shown it. I guess it is to protect our hearts and to not get our hopes up, but for me, being in the dark feels so much worse. I know I just have to wait and rely on God's strength through this next step. In one session at the conference , titled "Waiting Well", one thing stuck out to me. The speaker said, "Waiting is the process God uses to mold us into the person we are meant to be." She said that waiting is never easy because we don't know how long that waiting will take and we don't know what person we are meant to be or what needs to change but hearing this sentence gave me a little peace. I don't want to rush and not be who God wants me to be. I have to wait. God has plans for me and plans for Grant and plans for our future child. Why would I try to disrupt those plans? I know it won't be easy and I know I'll need the support of my friends and family.

So while we wait we choose joy.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us"
Romans 8:18

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Finishing up with our HomeStudy

As part of the homestudy process we were to put together a profile book all about us and to include a letter on the very first few pages to the expectant mother. The letter, by far, was the  most difficult thing Grant and I have had to write as part of this process. It was interesting sitting down with my husband trying to write this letter to a person we don't know and are hoping that they will choose us as part of their adoption plan. Finding the right words while trying to have our personalities show was tricky. We worked together taking turns writing different pieces and somehow melding them together. I think it came out pretty well. 

The book was to include pictures of us, our families, our friends, hobbies, and our house. It is used to give to expectant mothers so they can get an idea of who we are -- it's basically used to advertise us. It was interesting trying to figure out what pictures to chose, what to write, and just the layout of everything. I worked several hours trying to make it the best I could and include everything I felt that would describe us.

So we got our book and letter approved and ordered and they have arrived! I'm really excited about how they turned out! Shutterfly did a great job and, thanks to those who sent me coupons and special offers, I was able to purchase them for less than half the cost! Such a deal!

Now that we have the books, Grant and I are all finished with our portion of the homestudy. We actually have been done with all the paperwork, meetings with the social worker, classes, books and such for a while now. The last thing we have left to do before our homestudy is finished is to have one final meeting with the woman who counsels the expectant mothers. We have been waiting for a couple of weeks now for her to schedule a time with us and I must admit, I'm a little frustrated. I want so bad to get to that next phase and just be waiting for that precious baby. I know that when I'm in that phase I'll probably be saying something different but right now all I can think of is getting to the next step. Trying so hard to remind myself it's out of my hands and only in God's hands.

Just a few more things....
Our baby bottle fundraiser is still going! Thank you so much to those who have taken bottles and brought them back! So far we have raised close to $1000 in change! I still have a few more bottles left to hand out so if you want one or know of a neighbor or friend you could give one to that would be wonderful. Keep searching under those couch cushions, digging out from the bottom of purses or collecting from those cup holders in your car--- your spare change is making a difference

We have also set up a gofundme account. We have a goal of $10,000 to raise to help us bring our future child home. Go to our GO FUND ME site to donate. Tell a friend, tell family, share it on facebook, instagram, twitter, or whatever social networking site you want! We appreciate any help we can get!

Thank you to all who are praying for us and supporting us through this process. We have a long way to go and we appreciate all the help we have received and will continue to receive.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer"
Romans 12:12